The sad part is me honestly considering how of my life I'm willing to sell.

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In a way, we all make this consideration by accepting a job. Work is basically selling time, potentially years of your life.

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Running the numbers I got a slightly better deal from work. 3.5 years (compressed) in exchange for about 500k gross. I coulda bought a Wendy's!

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I was going to make a joke about capitalism, but honestly, I'm just super impressed you ran numbers!

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25 years and $1.5 million baby! Go big or go home... in a casket. Also, I'm 46, Geoffrey, and it's obvious that you're in my computer somehow and found out my exact age. Clever. Very Clever.

So many congratulations are in order! A 15-year anniversary and a Victorian melodrama. My wife and I have been married 22 years, and sometimes it's like a Victorian melodrama, or a science fiction splatterfest. Depends on the day. Anyhow, congratulations on all fronts and I look forward to hearing more about your writing/gaming exploits.

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If you’re gonna sell your life, do it for the big bucks! Woooo!

I’m in your computer, that’s true. I used to be a person, but now I’m a digitized consciousness traveling across the internet, exploring the far reaches of the World Wide Web. Oh no, a virus! *Pulls out glowing anti-virus sword and shield*

Thank you for the congratulations and well wishes! And mazel tov to y’all on 22 years! You know it’s been a while when the number is a palindrome.

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I can't help my lawyer brain; I read the terms and conditions and backed out fast. (Although I confess I did check the other scenarios just for fun, though. If this were real though, nope.)

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You made a good call IMO. There are all kinds of fun little surprises waiting for us in the Terms and Conditions of our apps!

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THIS IS THE TRUTH. Read those T&Cs, guys!

(PSA brought to you by a real-life lawyer that doesn't practice in that field but still remembers a few things from law school).

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Happy anniversary Geoffrey & Amanda!

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Thank youuuuu!

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I bet future high waisted pants will have pockets to fit an ipad pro

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When I read this, my brain clicked and suddenly I could see the future.

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Who needs foldable tablets, look I can carry a monopoly board!

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💰 How many years did you exchange for cash? Was it worth it?

I tried all of them! Some were definitely more worth it than others. I think 25 years was my favorite.

👻 What’s the most valuable aspect of your life?

Probably my two kids. Watching them grow up is one of the most aggravating and weirdly fulfilling things ever. That said, I also rescue cats, and the cats have never yelled at me because my weirdness has ruined their lives.....

💀 How old do you want to live to?

Old enough to be able to yell at kids to get off my lawn, but not old enough to ever need to be in diapers!

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Thanks for playing and re-playing, Trin! (25 years was my favorite, too. But don't tell the other endings, in case they get jealous.)

Haha, kids vs. cats, the ultimate toss-up!

Oh man, I forgot about the diapers thing. Yeah, I'm with you on this 100%.

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