Thank you! Haha, I recommend trying a game and seeing if you like it. A game takes about 5 minutes to play, so not much of a risk. (Unless you play in space.)
WORDLE has become shared fun with my Creative writing group. I start with ADIEU or SOARE depending on how I feel on a given day. Enjoy WORDLE while you can as the NYT bought it this week and it will soon end up behind a Paywall :(
Only a Buffalonian who grows up in a cloistered world where more than half the world seems to be Catholic is likely to make that reference. Yesterday was Candlemas according to my religious holiday calendar add-in :)
Every day I pick a new five letter word to start. I’m not sure this is the best strategy, as I almost never solve it in fewer than four guesses. But I always solve it within six so 🤷.
I'm playin' this Adventure Snack as an ongoing thing. Whenever I get a different score, I click that option!
I officially declare this the smartest and bestest way to play.
I finally got that 2 and was able to be a CHAMP
As always, fun stuff. I haven’t played Wordle, though. Feels like I should ride out the trend. I fear I’ll be sucked into space if I get started. 😱
Thank you! Haha, I recommend trying a game and seeing if you like it. A game takes about 5 minutes to play, so not much of a risk. (Unless you play in space.)
WORDLE has become shared fun with my Creative writing group. I start with ADIEU or SOARE depending on how I feel on a given day. Enjoy WORDLE while you can as the NYT bought it this week and it will soon end up behind a Paywall :(
Apparently you can easily save Wordle to your local drive, including its 2500 word puzzles. So we can all still enjoy it for free! Huzzah!
There is an archive site but I've avoided so far as delayed gratification and once a day is part of the fun for me
It’s an advent calendar for word nerds.
Only a Buffalonian who grows up in a cloistered world where more than half the world seems to be Catholic is likely to make that reference. Yesterday was Candlemas according to my religious holiday calendar add-in :)
Thank you, I love to A-M-A-Z-E!
Every day I pick a new five letter word to start. I’m not sure this is the best strategy, as I almost never solve it in fewer than four guesses. But I always solve it within six so 🤷.
There’s no right way to play! Be the Wordle you want to be.
Stumped by my favorite substance...
Wordle 220 X/6
It's a wicked Wordle we live in.
I always start with C-R-A-S-H followed by M-O-T-E-L, because I figure if I can't solve it with those, I won't solve it
That's a great combo! A real one-two punch common consonants and vowels.
Wordle 220 3/6
My sentence to the aliens would be, "Sorry, this is not a good time."