I drank that beer every which way I knew how in outer space, and it never ended well. Who knew cracking a cold one among the stars would be so bad for you.

We went on a little vacation this past summer, but it wasn't all that adventurous. I could use a trip to OmegaMart!

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They should list the dangers of drinking beer in space on the can!

There are lots of adventures to be had at OmegaMart. Just don’t confuse “lemons” with “OmegaMart Lemons.”


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Watch the whole series with Bill. I'm quite certain these products are all sold at OmegaMart.

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I played this one a two times, so packed different items. My first try, I went with the game because space is boring. After that, I went with the beer because a promise is a promise, after all. I don't know if either of these items helped me in my space travels, but I sure enjoyed Mike's wry sense of humor. Great job, Mike!

Travel this year? I've been to Florida to visit my in-laws and Vegas to visit my mom. Didn't go to OmegaMart on this trip, but I've been twice before. It. Is. Amazing. 10 out of 10 would recommend!

Fictional planet? Part of me wants to pick a planet from the Star Wars universe, but in that universe Death Stars are real, and they just keep making them for some reason. Also, and maybe it's just me, but all the planets in that galaxy, even though it was a long time ago and far, far away, seem really dangerous. I'm sure there are some cool Star Trek planets, but I'm not enough of a Trekkie to name one off the top of my head. So... I'm going to cheat a little. I'd like to visit Cloud City from the movie Defending Your Life. I am drawn to all-you-can-eat-food with zero caloric guilt, the white robes look nice, and for once in my life my law degree should come in handy if I have to defend my life.

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Thanks for playing (twice)! I agree, Mike's sense of humor is terrific and would be welcome on any space voyage.

I hope Florida was bearable! (Not your in-laws, but... y'know.) Amanda and I loved OmegaMart so much, we're talking about visiting the other Meow Wolf installations in Denver and Santa Fe.

You bring up a good point about Star Wars having death stars. That would cast a planet-sized shadow over an otherwise good time. I've seen more TNG than any other Star Trek series and I would go with Risa from that universe. It's known as a "pleasure planet."

That said, your answer is terrific. I love Defending Your Life! Great movie, great "planet" (universe? dimension?). But have you lived a life free of fear, so you won't get shoved on a bus back to Chumpsville? (Our universe.)

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I think my case gets better every year. But worst case scenario, I’ll Brooks it and win on appeal.

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Right off the bat, I'm packing some yarn and knitting needles. I might have to make myself something warm on a far away planet. =P

Most of my travel this year has been related to my father-in-law's death, so not much fun there. Hubby and I did get a get away to Battle Creek one weekend and saw red pandas at the zoo.

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Your handknitted scarf will be the envy of everyone onboard the Starship Freezecold!

So sorry for your loss. But that's wonderful about the red pandas! They're my favorite animal. At the Pittsburgh Zoo, we scheduled a 1-on-1 encounter with a red panda and it was a wonderful experience. We got to feed Kovu, learn about his natural habitat in China, then he climbed on our shoulders and posed for selfies.

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My hubby's job is out of Pittsburgh, and last time we went, we went to the zoo and I seriously considered the 1 on 1 red panda encounter.

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It's super worth it, IMO, but you have to register 2-3 months in advance.

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I'm sure we'll be back because of his job, so maybe one time if we get enough advanced notice, we can do it.

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I started with Mr Bananas. As usual explored every possible outcome, pretty sure I found the unique outcomes for each option. Took me a while to get the endings that weren't bad for me. Ran into an issue where the game didn't offer any options after Mr. Bananas reset time and I picked a different thing to bring.

Traveled around a bit this year. For fictional planets I'm going to say Rannoch from Mass Effect for one key reason, no bugs to bother me (https://www.awkwardzombie.com/comic/bugging-out).

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Thanks for playing and replaying! Yeah, there were a lot of tricky endings in this one. I’ll look into that bug when I’m at my desk. I must’ve missed it, cause I was working super hard on my IFComp entry, which was due the same day.

Haha, a bugless world sounds nice to me, too. Certainly, less itchy!

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🧳 What did you pack? Was it helpful on your journey?

As expected, Mr. Bananas was invaluable to my long term success and interplanetary relations.

✈️ Have you done any traveling this year?

Yes! My brother got married this summer in northern Michigan, and we went up for a week, caught up with family, partied, and made some delightfully bad life choices.

🪐 What fictional planet would you love to visit?

The future Earth from The Orville. (Okay, technically not fictional....but I suspect the awesomeness of the future there is.....)

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Mr. Bananas always comes through in a clutch!

Haha, I won't ask for all the gory details... unless you care to divulge? 😈

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I normally drink once or twice a year. The bride and 99% of her friends are doctors who went through med school together. I attempted to keep up with them. I don't remember it (damn you, tequila!), but my husband assures me I made a very ungraceful attempt to pick up a 21 year old to bring back to our hotel room.... 🤣

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Haha, you got into the messy wedding spirit! I love it!

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