Today’s quest will be your masterpiece. When you’re finished, let’s celebrate Adventure Snack being 75% of the way to a cool anniversary. Tally ho!
⚠️ Adventure Snack will be back on October 13th. I’ve got plans to go back home, see family, and recharge. Looking forward to returning with a two spooktacular games for the Halloween season. Prepare thyself for thrills, in addition to… chills! 🎃
You've wanted to be a fine artist since the day you were booted up. It's what you were programmed to do. Well, technically, you were programmed to care for the sick and elderly, but a bug in your OS has taken you on a far more meaningful life path.
But it's been impossible to break into the "humans club" world of professional art in New York. After a year of circuit-breaking rejections, you live in a cardboard box on the street, without any styrofoam packaging, and can barely afford to charge yourself.
You have one last painting in you before you shut down for good. With your last cans of paint, a stolen canvas, and a vision, you generate one final masterpiece to leave at the alley door of the Upturned Nose Gallery...
To create your final work of art, follow these steps:
Go to the website Craiyon. (Or the AI art site of your choosing.)
Enter the following prompt and fill-in-the-blank: "Oil painting of ______ in a gold frame.” After it processes, select the image you like best.*
Click the "screenshot" button below the image and save it.
Go to Imgur and upload the screenshot file.
Click the red button below to share your artwork’s URL so everyone can see, along with the title and your robot artist name. 👇
Your artwork may be critiqued by a world-renowned art critic. (Me? I guess I’m referring to myself?!)
*Art Tip: Keep the AI prompt relatively simple. 3-4 words max. The more complicated the prompt, the more it'll look like a bunch of unintelligible swirls. Unless unintelligible is what you're going for, and in that case, pursue your vision.
HAPPY 75%!
We’re not doing Table Talk today to allow the comment section to fill with ludicrous AI oil paintings.
That said, I do want to mark a nearly special occasion. This is the 75th game I’ve published on Adventure Snack over the past 3 years! Which means I’m 75% of the way to 100 games, a far more impressive sounding milestone!
When I’m 100% of the way to 100 games, that’s going to be 100% awesome, as opposed to 75% awesome, which is where we currently are. As I see it, 100 is a cool round number with three digits and double zeroes. I’m very excited about hitting 100. You might think I’m 75% as excited as I’m going to be when we hit 100 games, but ironically, it feels more like 30-40%.
When will we get to 100 games? At the current rate, probably October or November of next year. So mark your calendars. And by that I mean, put a Google Calendar event that spans all of October / November 2023 that says “Anticipate 100th Adventure Snack.” Block out 100% of those months!!!
This was a very punchy update. I think I could honestly use that vacation. See you next month!
Adventure Snack is a game series I email to subscribers. Play Adventure Snack for free and turn your inbox into an adventure!
I’m a narrative designer for video games. I’ve written for Capcom, Ubisoft, Square Enix, and indie studios around the world. Follow me @geoffreygolden on Twitter.
Title: Cool Wizards Wear Sunglasses
Artist: Goldgear 4200
URL: https://imgur.com/a/ekjdgUN
Title: Monkey in a Fez
Artist: Monke
URL: https://imgur.com/a/PohFQaS