My husband and I did it! He managed to remember the time of death, and I contributed the cutest Zum-Zum voice, I could muster, and together, we triumphed!

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Congratulations on finding the murderer, figuring out the clues, and doing cute alien voices! Clearly, you two make a great crime solving duo.

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Very nice. A good mystery with just enough of a twist to make it interesting.

I choose B. My gut said A until I remembered Animal Farm and the consequences of treating people “more equal.” Though the scholar in me very much wants to pick C to study the social effects of random distribution.

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Thanks for playing, Jonah! I’m glad you enjoyed your quest.

Welcome to the Genius Council! Animal Farm is a smart reference here. But what if a rescue requires the technical skills from the A group?

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I managed to find the murderer, and get all of the clues correct! Those hundreds of Nancy Drew books I read as a kid have finally paid off!

My decision for the counsel would have to be A. As much as I want it to be B, if our survivalists are well fed, they might be able to find something we can use to survive even longer, and feed the more vulnerable.

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Well done, Detective Trin! Have you played the mystery game Jenny LeClue? It's like Nancy Drew meets the movie Adaptation, where we play through a kids mystery as the author struggles to write it.

Welcome, Fellow Genius! A is a very practical choice, but I see it as a gamble. If the survivalists find nothing or not enough, the B group will be jeopardized.

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Well I stumbled onto that one (he said while rubbing his servo motors), anyone care to join me in the galley?

RE: the asteroid. I'm a good captain, so I'm dividing rations between those who can keep me alive the longest (engineering, the chef, the bartender), and I'm calling my sponsor at AA. If AAA is going to take that long, I need to apologies to my sponsor in case they find out I hit the bottle again after my frozen corpse is found in the wreckage.

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You may have stumbled, but you stumbled into justice. What I'm saying is you earned that servo motor rub.

Welcome to the Genius Council! So you're going with group A. Your strategy makes sense – and I'm sure your sponsor would forgive you for drinking given the circumstances – but can you really bare to watch the B group suffer? Or is that what the drinking's for?

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Oh no, hardened by years of deep space isolation, I’m quite the sadist. Watching them tear each other apart will make for impeccable entertainment.

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...oh dear...

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Oh no table talk? I ultimately found the right murderer but did make a mistake in the deduction process, hard to keep everything memorized (mainly the times). I'm going to go with option B for the council of geniuses. It's an asteroid so it's not like people will be hunting or anything.

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I thought I'd mix up the comment format a bit to see what happens. Don't worry, the table is still in-tact.

Congrats on solving the case, gumshoe! To be honest, I think I'm better at writing whodunnits than I am at solving them. I'm sure you did better than I would've done, lol.

You're the very first member of the Council of Geniuses. Historic! "B" is an empathetic choice, but it's possible your mechanical engineers – well-nourished – could get all of y'all off the asteroid faster. 🤔

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Depends on how physically strenuous the work they need to do is, and the likelihood of the problem even being something that can be fixed with the supplies on hand.

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This was my first adventure snack and I had an awesome time! 😁

Thanks for putting it together, looking forward to the next one 😝

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I'm thrilled you enjoyed your first quest, Ross! Thank YOU for playing. The next game in two weeks is a big one.

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