“Goldgear 4200 has been trying to break into the art scene for some time with disappointing results, need I remind you of the amateurish “Wardrobe Does His Taxes”, or the sophomoric “A Mundane Day at the Park”? Finally though the automaton has reached the heights of his namesake, producing a work worthy of Goldgears 1 through 4199. The q…
“Goldgear 4200 has been trying to break into the art scene for some time with disappointing results, need I remind you of the amateurish “Wardrobe Does His Taxes”, or the sophomoric “A Mundane Day at the Park”? Finally though the automaton has reached the heights of his namesake, producing a work worthy of Goldgears 1 through 4199. The question posed in this new work? Can wizards be cool? Through slavish commitment to this thesis, Goldgear answers with a triumphant ‘Yes’.”
“Goldgear 4200 has been trying to break into the art scene for some time with disappointing results, need I remind you of the amateurish “Wardrobe Does His Taxes”, or the sophomoric “A Mundane Day at the Park”? Finally though the automaton has reached the heights of his namesake, producing a work worthy of Goldgears 1 through 4199. The question posed in this new work? Can wizards be cool? Through slavish commitment to this thesis, Goldgear answers with a triumphant ‘Yes’.”
- A stranger off the street
The guy who came in to eat the free cheese samples is right.