The 100th Quest - how brilliant is that! Definitely to be celebrated. But maybe it's a sign. 100 is a significant number right? Think of how celebrated all centenarians are. They get telegrams from the queen. (Oops it's the king now.) They call it your Golden years. Yes, the quests could continue for 100 years. It just goes to show what a bit of fun every couple of weeks can do for you. Maybe another 100 quests will lead you to an even longer life. Hundreds of quests showering down like Golden laughs. More power to your writing Mr Golden.

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Thank you, Rosemary! My great aunt just turned 100 and she was given a certificate by the mayor. Maybe if I design another 100 games, someone will present me with a trophy?


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I will try and be there to award it!

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Congrats on your milestone, Geoffrey! 🎉

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Thanks, Justin! I made it to 💯!

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What should you do?

Some of my author friends published adventure-choosing print books with numbered paragraphs. You could mush up ten or twenty per volume. A series of paperback of ten quests per book! It's pretty easy to do, I work with authors who go down the indie route all the time (as opposed to trade publishing - pros and cons both ways). The key thing is that you have the content already, it is just repackaging for a different market.

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Great suggestion! I actually have an agency pitching an Adventure Snack collection to publishers, but if that doesn't work out, I may go ahead and release them on my own as eBooks / print editions. It'd be nice to have them as volumes on my bookshelf.

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Good luck! Yep, paperbacks or hardbacks look great.

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This was my first quest, and this is my first comment on Substack. I’m a huge fan of multipath adventures and re-read the adventure several times trying to figure out your story pattern.

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Welcome to Adventure Snack and to Substack comments, Timothy! Thanks for playing and replaying. I’m a big fan of multipath adventures, too, as you could probably guess. I like to make my games a little unusual mechanically.

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I'm having difficulty finding other multi-path stories. Could you share some links?

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In any medium? (Video games, books, etc) Or on Substack specifically?

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In Substack specifically. I'm aware of ChooseCo the famous Choose Your Own Adventure book maker, and I've recently become involved with Twist Tales: https://twist-tales.com/how-to-write-interactive-fiction-and-interactive-audio-stories-1/

They make interactive fiction audio books (very cool). But what I'm working on seems to work best (so far) in Substack. I'm trying to get a sense of the community here.

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I've never heard of Twist Tales, but I like what they're doing a lot. I think there's plenty of potential for voice recognition in gaming (I've been experimenting with it myself).

In terms of IF on Substack, I wouldn't describe it as a community. More like a set of islands. These are the three IF Substacks I'm aware of, all of which are "vote your own adventures." The audience decides collectively where the story goes.

Misadventure Adventure


A cat cries in the night


A Branching Narrative


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Congrats on making it into the top 20 at IF Comp! And on the Edge write-up! And on making it to 100 adventures! Just congrats all around!

This adventure tapped into one of my greatest fears: ruining the future through absent-mindedly going about my day. But I did support the arts by popularizing an important TV show, so that's something!

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Thank you! Lots of win conditions lately. ^_^

Haha, oh no! But as long as the arts are supported by fine patrons such as yourself, can things ever really be THAT bad?

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Congrats on 100!!!

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Thanks, Grant! 🎉

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First I ruined basically everything, then I improved basically everything. Very mixed legacy.

My favorite adventure snack is the one I helped make: Smile! You're on Alien Deathmatch TV. But the business genius one was also great and I'll replay the Christmas one soon when it becomes even more seasonally appropriate.

I'm currently working on the very truly absolutely final level of Mario Wonder and it is extremely difficult. We've gotten pretty far into it at least, but we need to start over due to taking a break. Video games are always a good way to celebrate.

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Haha, thanks for playing and replaying. Glad you were able to make improvements on the second go around. The Butterfly Effect is an unpredictable beast.

Those are great picks. I know what a big fighting game fan you are, so I was psyched to work with you on Smile!

There are actually several Christmas themed quests, going back to the very beginning of Adventure Snack. Have a look at November / December of each year. 🎅

Wow, you mean the final level in Special World? Congrats! I'm not sure I'll even make it that far without breaking my Switch in frustration. You're right about video games being a great way to celebrate... 🤔

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Congrats on reaching 100 quests.

I'm not sure if I got a good or bad ending, but I do not regret choosing more sleep. =P

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Nor should you! More Sleep > Less Sleep

Thank you! Yay! 🥂

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