Today’s Quest: Your choices matter in today’s quest. Shockingly so! Then join the Table Talk gang to celebrate 100 quests, and I’ll rundown the results for Fix Your Mother’s Printer from this year’s IFComp.
First time here? Adventure Snack is a game series I email to subscribers. Play quests for free, twice a month, and turn your inbox into an adventure!
You’ve got an incredible feeling about tomorrow, which is odd, because tomorrow is Wednesday. Everyone knows Wednesdays are the worst. You’ll have a long commute, as usual. You’ll have to write a ton of emails to idiots. The weekend will feel like it’ll never come. And every so often, you’ll have just enough time to shovel food into your mouth hole.
But you have a feeling tomorrow will be different. Tomorrow is going to be significant. Something really important is going to happen tomorrow. You can feel it.
When your quest is complete, it’s time to debrief. Join your fellow adventurers at the virtual D&D table we call the comments section. This is where we rejoice in our 100th quest together and bathe in the blood of our enemies. It’s not a refreshing bath, but it is a good time.
Discuss one (or all) of today’s topics in the comments:
🌎 How do you feel about your historic legacy?
⚔️ What are your favorite Adventure Snack quests? If you’re having trouble remembering, here are the archives. Though I love each and every one of the quests equally (I don’t want to hurt a quest’s feelings), some of my favorites include Bigfoot is Your Landlord, Your Godbox Needs More Space, Reconcile with Your Moleman Father, and Earn Your Planet Destroyer License.
🥳 How should I celebrate publishing 100 text games? I’m writing a milestone post reflecting on the achievement, but that’s marking the occasion. How should I celebrate? Cover my house in confetti? Eat a cookie cake from the mall? Try to 100% Super Mario Wonder? (I’ve almost got all the wonder seeds, but Special World is kicking my butt.) Suggestions welcome!
I’d describe Fix Your Mother’s Printer (FYMP) at IFComp as a joyfully mixed success. The game made it to #20, which is difficult to achieve and I’m proud of that. (Yay!) But my entry last year, Use Your Psychic Powers at Applebee’s (UYPPAA), went to #16 and I was hoping to best that spot. (Boo!) However, FYMP was actually better rated and reviewed than UYPPAA overall. (Yay!)
There are other cool stats:
FYMP was one of the most popular games in terms of total number of reviews. It received more reviews than every game in the Top 10.
FYMP received the third most “10” scores in the whole competition, behind the first and second place games. I think the people who liked it really liked it.
FYMP was one of the best reviewed games with a length of 30 minutes or less.
One of the biggest surprises was that UK games magazine Edge named Fix Your Mother’s Printer their Web Game of the Month in their latest issue! (See above.) I’m not sure why it’s still a thrill to get a paper write-up in The Age of the Machines, but in honor of Mom, I’m glad to see someone’s printer is working. I really liked the end to their review: “By the affecting conclusion, you might be tempted to give your own mum a bell (while looking up PC World’s number just in case she has a technological issue requiring attention).”
Thank you to all the adventurers who voted for FYMP in the competition and/or playtested the game, especially my IRL mom! ❤️ 🖨️ ❤️
The 100th Quest - how brilliant is that! Definitely to be celebrated. But maybe it's a sign. 100 is a significant number right? Think of how celebrated all centenarians are. They get telegrams from the queen. (Oops it's the king now.) They call it your Golden years. Yes, the quests could continue for 100 years. It just goes to show what a bit of fun every couple of weeks can do for you. Maybe another 100 quests will lead you to an even longer life. Hundreds of quests showering down like Golden laughs. More power to your writing Mr Golden.
Congrats on your milestone, Geoffrey! 🎉